8th Hijra

Surat Al Adiyat.

On 26th of the Islamic month of Jamadi as-Sani in 8 AH, the Muslims led by the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (AS) achieved a great victory in the battle of “Zaat as-Salasel” which was fought against the pagan Arab tribes north of Medina on the road to Syria.

The Battle of Zatus Salasil

الامام (ع) ومعركة ذات السلاسل

وهي غزوة وادي الرمل التي وقعت في السنة الثامنة من الهجرة[1].

فقد بعث رسول الله (ص) الى اهل وادي اليابس «ذات السلاسل» عدداً من الصحابة كأبي بكر وعمر، فكان كلٌ منهم يرجع الى رسول الله (ص) ولا يقاتلهم. الى ان بعث (ص) علياً (ع) الى تلك المنطقة فأوقع بهم. و«سميت هذه الغزوة ذات السلاسل لانه (ع) اسّر منهم وقتل وسبى وشد اسراهم في الحبال مكتفين كأنهم في السلاسل. ولما نزلت سورة [العاديات] خرج رسول الله (ص) الى الناس فصلى بهم الغداة وقرأ فيها: (والعادياتِ ضَبحاً . فالمورياتِ قَدحاً)[2] فلما فرغ من صلاته قال اصحابه: هذه سورة لم نعرفها. فقال رسول الله (ص): نعم ان علياً ظفر بأعداء الله وبشرني بذلك جبرئيل (ع) في هذه الليلة، فقدم علي (ع) بعد ايام بالغنائم والاسارى»[3].

والقصة[4] ان اهل وادي اليابس اجتمعوا في اثني عشر الف فارس وتعاقدوا وتعاهدوا وتواثقوا على ان لا يتخلف رجل عن رجل ولا يخذل أحدٌ أحداً ولا يفر رجل عن صاحبه حتى يموتوا كلهم عن حلف واحد او يقتلوا محمداً (ص) وعلي بن أبي طالب (ع). فنـزل جبرئيل (ع) على محمد (ص) وأخبره بقصتهم وما تعاهدوا عليه وتواثقوا وامره ان يبعث ابا بكر اليهم في اربعة آلاف فارس من المهاجرين والانصار، ولكنه رجع اعتقاداً منه بان القوم من اهل اليابس اكثر منهم عدداً وأقوى منهم عدّة. فخالف امر رسول الله (ص) بذلك. ثم بعث النبي (ص) عمر بن الخطاب في المرة الثانية، ولكنه رجع بنفس مقالة ابي بكر.

فدعا علياً (ع) وأوصاه بما اوصى الاول والثاني واصحابه الاربعة آلاف فارس واخبره ان الله سيفتح عليه وعلى اصحابه. فخرج علي (ع) ومعه المهاجرون والانصار فسار بهم سريعاً حتى خافوا ان ينقطعوا من التعب وتحفى دوابهم، فقلا لهم: لا تخافوا، فان رسول الله (ص) قد أمرني بأمر وأخبرني ان الله سيفتح عليَّ وعليكم فابشروا فانكم على خير والى خيرٍ. فطابت نفوسهم وقلوبهم وساروا على ذلك السير والتعب حتى اذا كانوا قريباً منهم حيث يرونهم ويراهم، امر أصحابه ان ينـزلوا وسمع اهل وادي اليابس بقدوم علي بن ابي طالب واصحابه، فخرج اليه منهم مائتا رجل شاكين بالسلاح. فلما رآهم علي (ع) خرج اليهم في نفر من اصحابه فقالوا لهم: من انتم ومن اين انتم ومن اين اقبلتم واين تريدون؟ قال: انا علي بن ابي طالب ابن عم رسول الله (ص) اخوه ورسوله اليكم. ادعوكم الى شهادة ان لا اله الا الله وان محمداً رسول الله ولكم ان آمنتم ما للمسلمين وعليكم ما عليهم من خير وشر. فقالوا له: اياك اردنا وانت طلبتنا قد سمعنا مقالتك وما عرضت علينا فخذ حذرك واستعد للحرب العوان، واعلم إنا قاتلوك وقاتلوا اصحابك والموعد فيما بيننا غداً ضحوة، وقد اُعذرنا فيما بيننا وبينكم.

فقال لهم علي (ع): ويلكم! تهددوني بكثرتكم وجمعكم فانا استعين بالله وملائكته والمسلمين عليكم، ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم، فانصرفوا الى مراكزكم. وانصرف علي (ع) الى مركزه. فلمّا جنّه الليل أمر اصحابه ان يحسنوا الى دوابهم ويقضموا ويسرجوا، فلما انشق عمود الصبح صلى بالناس بغلس[5] ثم اغار عليهم باصحابه فلم يعلموا حتى وطأتهم الخيل. فما ادرك آخر اصحابه حتى قتل مقاتليهم وسبى ذراريهم واستباح اموالهم وخرب ديارهم واقبل بالاسارى والاموال معه. ونزل جبرئيل (ع) فأخبر رسول الله (ص) بما فتح الله بعلي (ع) وجماعة المسلمين. فصعد رسول الله (ص) المنبر فحمد الله وأثنى عليه وأخبر الناس بما فتح الله على المسلمين واعلمهم انه لم يصب منهم الا رجلان ونزل. فخرج يستقبل علياً في جمع اهل المدينة من المسلمين حتى لقيه على ثلاثة أميال من المدينة. فلما رآه علي (ع) مقبلاً نزل عن دابته ونزل النبي (ص) حتى التزمه وقبّل ما بين عينيه. فنـزلت جماعة المسلمين الى علي (ع) حيث نزل رسول الله (ص) واقبل بالغنيمة والاسارى وما رزقهم الله به من اهل الوادي اليابس. قال الامام جعفر بن محمد (ع): ما غنم المسلمون مثلها قط الا ان يكون من خيبر فانها مثل ذلك. وانزل تبارك وتعالى في ذلك اليوم هذه السورة (والعادياتِ ضبحاً)[6]. وأورد صاحب تفسير البرهان موجزاً عن الغزوة في ذيل سورة العاديات[7].

قال السيد الحميري يصف الغزوة:

وفي ذات السلاسل من سليمِ غداة أتاهم الموت المبير

وقد هزموا ابا حفص وعمرواً وصاحبه مراراً فاستطيروا

وقد قتلوا من الانصار رهطاً فحل النذر او وجبت نذور

أزاد الموت مشيخة ضخاماً جحاجحة يسد بها الثغور[8]

وعندما استقبل النبي (ص) علياً في اطراف المدينة قال: «الحمد لله يا علي الذي شدَّ بك ازري وقوّى بك ظهري، يا علي انني سألت الله فيك كما سأل اخي موسى بن عمران صلوات الله وسلامه عليه ان يشرك هارون في امره وقد سألت ربي ان يشدّ بك ازري. ثم التفت
الى اصحابه وهو يقول: معشر اصحابي لا تلوموني في حب علي بن ابي طالب (ع) فانما حبي علياً من امر الله، والله امرني ان احب علياً وادنيه. يا علي من احبك فقد احبني ومن احبني فقد احب الله…»[9].


Illustrations of Visible Speech

Illustrations of Visible Speech (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Arabic is called the language of Dhad which is a letter that exist only in Arabic that is a bit heavier than the D. It is almost impossible to learn how to speak Arabic by only reading. Hearing others speak it, letting others hear what you say and correct you, interacting with others are the correct methods to learn how  to speak Arabic. You should let your tongue move in order for your brain to be able to recorded that as a new skill. Interacting with people in Arabic will not only let your brain recognize it as new skill, but will allow your brain to learn new emotions, new reactions to words and meanings and new ways to express an ideas that you may not had before.

There is not enough materials online that suffice to enable someone to do self learning of the language, the best deal is to enrol in formal class and stick to it or to live with Arabs. I’ll try to update this page with links that might be beneficial to learn the sounds of Arabic.

1- Listen to Alphabets – A course from Alphabets to words

2- Practice More words


Arabic alphabet in Kufic script, cropped from ...

Arabic alphabet in Kufic script, cropped from page 4 of Fry’s Pantographia (1799) “The most ancient Arabic Letters are the Kufic, so named from the City of Kufa on the Euphrates; (Encyc. Franc. des Alph. anc. et mod. Pl. 3.) but they do not appear to be in use at this time.–This alphabet was communicated to Dr. Morton of the British Museum, by Dr. Hunt, Hebrew and Arabic Professor at Oxford, from the Bodleian Library. Dr. Morton’s Tables.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Arabic script might go in odds with Latin languages. Think of language not as new set of words but as new set of thinking skills. You have to shift from the left to right and from un-joined letters to letters that can be joined in more than one shape. Instead of becoming frustrated at the different ways that we can possibly shape a letter within a word, think of it not as math class but as an art class where creativity is all that you need. Arabic Calligraphy after all is beautiful form of Art that stands on its own.

1-Learn to write the basic form of Arabic letters

2-Learn to join letters together to form words

3- Further Practicing

Fiqh of Halal & Haram

Understanding the rules and laws of what is permitted and what is prohibited. Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, who is the sixth Imam in Shia doctrine, had stressed in one of the traditions on the importance of learning the fiqh for every Shia individual. Following the fiqh rules is one manifestation of obeying Allah, submitting to His will and is part of the struggle that a Muslim should go through towards perfection.


Fiqh/Islamic Jurisprudence:

Fiqh means: How to worship Allah. When we learn fiqh we simply learn how to worship Allah. In regards to this knowledge we can summarize how we can worship Allah in one phrase: To fulfill the obligations and refrain from transgressions (العمل بالطاعات واجتناب المحرمات). Let me simplify Fiqh for you and let me briefly explain the second part of that phrase. There are four basic laws regarding transgressions:

The first general law: Originally, everything is Mubaha (permissible, no law associated with it). Originally, all food is permissible to consume. But because we live in relative world where certain things might be harmful to us though they might be not harmful in themselves to the whole cosmos, Islam introduced the second general law.

Second general law: everything that is harmful to us is haram ” impermissible “. This second law makes an exception to certain things from being Mubah as per the first law. The harmfulness of the haram things was not revealed always, we just know from Quran that harmful things were deemed haram. Quran [7:157] “Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures), – in the law and the Gospel; – for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him, – it is they who will prosper.” For example, all food originally is mubah but the animals were restricted as mubah food, animals would be all haram to consume if it wasn’t for the third law.

The third law:  The third law exempts some animals from the “haram” category to enter them to halal category. Halal means permissible just like Mubah. Then what is the difference between the Mubah and Halal?

Let’s take the condition of pilgrimage as example. When one heads to visit Makah, one should enter a state of ihram. In this state, many things that were mubah before entering Makah become haram after Ihram. For example, scratching your skin is not permissible when you enter the state of Ihram though it is mubah in normal conditions.  To elevate this restriction, you should perform a number of rituals to untie the ihram restrictions. This is what halal means; it means to untie a restriction through a ritual. In case of animals, the cattle become halal after performing the ritual of zabiha.

Another example is sex. It is originally mubah. Then a restriction was made upon all women who are non marriageable (first degree relatives), all other women are haram to touch. Then there comes the ritual of marriage to untie the restriction and make it lawful to you to touch a woman.

Fourth law is called “makrooh”. It means that you are advised but not obliged to refrain from an act. Makrooh means disliked and God would rather not see you doing it but it is fine if you did it.

The second part of the phrase that encompasses the definition of Ebadat is to fulfill your obligations. Instead of bewildering of how to please Allah, Allah made it easy for us and gave us a prescription; He said He would be pleased if we perform these acts as worships. These acts are called Wajibat. In brief, it is wajib upon every Muslim to pray five times in certain way, to fast the month of Ramadhan, to pay Zakat and to perform Hajj once in lifetime.

There is other set of wajibat that is not up on every Muslim but a Muslim community must do it. They are generally defined as Wajib Kefayiah (or Fardh Kefayiah where Fardh means obligation as well) when done by some; the obligation is lifted from the others. An example is the act of amr bil ma’rouf wa nahi aan munkar (enjoining good and forbidding evil). This is not up on every single Muslim but certainly is up on a Muslim society as a collective obligation.

As you see, there are daily Ebadat like prayers, yearly Ebadat like fasting and once in lifetime Ebadat like hajj. There are Ebadat that should be done individually and Ebadat that should be done by the community. There are also Ebadat that are optional; these are called Mustahabat or recommended acts. Allah likes to see you doing them, He will reward you for doing them but if you did not do them you will not be as transgressor. Yes, refraining from performing obligation is transgression i.e. Haram.

Islamic Laws

Salat – Prayer

The Five Prayers Place Among Ebadat:

The five daily prayers are one of the five pillars of Islam or the five obligatory acts of worship that each and every Muslim should perform in the right time and in the way Allah has instructed us. If one seeks to please Allah, they must know how to perform prayer in near perfect way, at least in physical sense.

Prophet Mohamad (PBUHAHF) said : “The prayer is the pillar of religion and its parable is that of the prop of a tent”

Read more about it here : http://www.al-islam.org/fortysalat/4.htm

Description of Proper Prayer :

As it was mentioned above, the prayer should be done the way our prophet performed it.

Here is a written description of the prayer

How to perform prayer video


Pre Requisite


Times and counts




Recitations and paryers


what invalidate a prayer